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Created 25-Feb-20
Modified 13-Aug-24
Visitors 8
28 photos
Beyond Midnight is a exhibition displayed concurrently at the Worcester Art Museum and the Concord Museum. The exhibition covers Revere's life throughout the second half of the 1700s and into the early 1800s and illustrates Revere's activities as an artisan, master networker, innovator, and entrepreneur. The exhibition includes many of his engravings which were influential in arousing public sentiment during events leading up to the American Revolution as well as examples of his artisanship and entrepreneurial activities.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Paul Revere SilverPaul Revere SilverPaul Revere SilverPaul Revere Silver TeapotThe Bloody Massacre perpetrated in King Street BOSTON...Bill of CreditThe Fruits of Arbitrary Power or the BLOODY MASSACREThe Hon.ble John Hancock, Esqr.The Wicked Statesman or Traitor to His Country...The Fruits of Arbitrary Power...Forty-eight Shilling NoteA View of the Year 1765Letter to Joseph Warren RevereTen-shilling Soldier-use CurrencyThe able Doctor, or America Swallowing the Bitter Draught.The Bloody Massacre perpetrated in King Street BOSTON...Mr. Sam AdamsPaul RevereThe Wicked Statesman or Traitor to His Country...Fourteen Shilling Note