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Created 19-Feb-20
Modified 13-Aug-24
Visitors 1
24 photos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Paul RevereThe Wicked Statesman or Traitor to His Country...The Wicked Statesman or Traitor to His Country...The Wicked Statesman or Traitor to His Country...The Bloody Massacre perpetrated in King Street BOSTON...The Bloody Massacre perpetrated in King Street BOSTON...The Fruits of Arbitrary Power...The Fruits of Arbitrary Power or the BLOODY MASSACREPaul RevereFourteen Shilling NoteThree Shillings & Four Pence NoteForty-eight Shilling NoteTen-shilling Soldier-use CurrencyBill of CreditSketch of Revere's Copper Mill and Home in Canton, MassachusettsNorfolk County Courthouse BellLetter to Joseph Warren RevereMr. Sam AdamsThe Hon.ble John Hancock, Esqr.A View of Part of the Town of Boston in New-England and Brittish [sic] Ships of War Landing Their Troops! 1768